Version Control

Version control is essential for data science and software development. A simple way to incorporate version control is through using Git and a remote hosting platform. Git is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development, but can be used as well for research, content, and many other types of source code. The best way to use Git is to incorporate a remote (a copy of the project) in a remote hosting platform such as GitHub.

GitHub: Octocat
GitHub Octocat

A nice tool to use Git with with a Git client such as GitKraken that can be used with any Git remote. This tool makes it very easy to perform basic pipelines. For more advanced use, one may need to become familiar with the Git command line tools.

GitKraken Logo
GitKraken Git Client

J. Bayoán Santiago Calderón
J. Bayoán Santiago Calderón
Research Economist

🇵🇷 Economist by training. Data scientist / software developer by accident.